my own website!?!? SWEET!!
Video Production


I love to make videos!

Promo short for USA Yoga:

Beer Choir chapter in St. Louis:

Gaelic football demonstration before an STLFC home game at St. Louis Soccer Park:

Promo short for St. Louis Gaelic Athletic Club (STLGAC):

Mock film for V.I.P. Hospital Productions:

Ireland trip in July 2013 from my GoPro perspective:

Promo short for St. Louis Gaelic Athletic Club Youth Program:

Promo short for St. Louis Gaelic Athletic Club Football:

Showing off my hurling solo skills:

Promo short for Sauce Magazine party:

Video project for school using Adobe After Effects (Spring 2009)

A music video made for my cousin, Becky, that went BIG!! (Fall 2009)

Footage used for a Colombian news program called, Teleantioquia Global (Summer 2010)

Recalled the story about a favorite video game memory for Blizzard Entertainment.  Made Top Eight finalists in America! (Spring 2011)

Here is a demo reel of my video work from Summer 2009 to Fall 2012:

And here are some still shots from my collection of videos until now!:

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Picture 5

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