I am moving into my friend, Matt’s, at the moment! the bedroom looks good. im using a keyboard slide tray for my laptop while i can play call of duty on a tv right up on the desk!
my lease is up the end of the month up in noco. my umsl experience: done!? not yet! one summer class, graduation in august, then joining the alumni association to keep fun tabs there.
the cardinal games were nice during the week. on sunday, i came across a fan that saw me hawking down at disney! travis from minnesota: he saw me as a water boy, and was happy about my dancing! i want to continue this guest interaction! as a vendor for many years..sure! my knee made some twitches of pain going up steps, so i shouldn’t do this job for too long. my body is important!
sunday night, i missed the banquet for greek week, which i was sad about. i want to stop by the greek houses next weekend and say hi.
monday: matt prepared one of his rooms for me. nice burgers and hot dogs, The Hole, natty, and my feet a break.
let’s see some pics of the new place!