HOLY COW!! This game was so brilliant! I was so amazed to see such great graphics plus, most importantly, a super sweet story line!
The character development and their conversations were so excellent! And there were many life lessons told, such as, “Don’t sit back and wait…take action and do something about it yourself!” More reinforcement for that subject in my life, I’d say
I recommend spending the 50-60 hours to completing this game, and observing its beauty!
I gave it a perfect five out of five stars, because this game was a new concept of game play compared to the other FF’s.
-Sweet, new fighting & leveling system
-More of a one-way exploration for the story progression
-Quicker battles, and more juicy & longer cut scenes
I want to play the next Final Fantasy! I heard it will be an MMO, which will involve a monthly fee to play. Something cool like Warcraft hopefully!