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“Abie’s Irish Rose”- Fontbonne University
Categories: reviews

Picture 1I had a lonely Friday night, and took my bike down to Fontbonne to see a performance that was put on by four Grand Hotel cast buddies!

Ryan Cooper (Abie), Maggie Murphy (Rose Mary), and Tom Kopp (Rabbi) all had big roles and did a great job!  Steve Callahan directed the play, and made a fun story unfold about families conflicting over different religion backgrounds.  A Jew marrying an Irish girl is okay in my book! :)

The set was well-furnished with thrust-style seating, which provided a fun opportunity to see actors up close and personal.  Great costumes and props of the time period!

The remaining shows are June 18, 19, and 20.  Here is a link to their website for more info:

Encore, my fellow Grand Hotelers! :)

8 Comments to ““Abie’s Irish Rose”- Fontbonne University”

  1. Ryan Cooper says:

    Yay! Thank you Robbie! It was such a wonderful surprise to see you, I’m glad you had a nice time! Hope to see you around again real soon.

  2. robbie says:

    Heck yeah, Ryan! :D It was great to see you guys. Let me know when you do another play!

  3. Maggie says:

    Thanks for being our token young guy in the audience. It was wonderful to see your smiling face again!